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    73 Climate-driven reduction of genetic variation in plant phenology alters soil communities and nutrient pools.PRIMARYRESEARCHARTICLEClimate‐drivenreductionofgeneticvariationinplantpheno...

    • 77
    • 47 次阅读
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    • 2019-03-20 12:39:49
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    26-Soil microbial communities drive the resistance of ecosystem multifunctionality to global change in drylands across the globe.LETTERSoilmicrobialcommunitiesdrivetheresistanceofecosyst...

    • 77
    • 122 次阅读
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    • 2019-03-20 12:39:04
  • 简介:

    18-Soil microbial diversity drives the priming effect along climate gradients a case study in MadagascarORIGINALARTICLESoilmicrobialdiversitydrivestheprimingeffectalongclimategradients:a...

    • 77
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    • 2019-03-20 12:38:58
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    6 Grazing-induced microbiome alterations drive soil organic carbon turnover and productivity in meadow steppe.RESEARCHOpenAccessGrazing-inducedmicrobiomealterationsdrivesoilorganiccarbon...

    • 77
    • 56 次阅读
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    • 2019-03-20 12:38:52
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    • Allen
    • 0 次阅读
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    • 2020-04-13 22:08:37
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    • 刘*阳
    • 2 次阅读
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    • 2020-11-08 12:02:28
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    • 刘*阳
    • 0 次阅读
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    • 2020-11-08 10:07:40
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    • 刘*阳
    • 0 次阅读
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    • 2020-11-08 10:07:37
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    • 刘*阳
    • 0 次阅读
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    • 2020-11-08 10:07:25
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    • 刘*阳
    • 0 次阅读
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    • 2020-11-08 09:53:17

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